Armory Wars: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3

Boom Comics
Written by Claudio Sanchez with Peter David
Art by Aaron Kuder

This was one of those books that’s given to me that I would liked to have the first two. For me, the story didn’t flow and that may have been due to the fact that I just started reading it on issue #3. Essentially, Earth is toast and there is a bunch of people trying to take over what’s left. Plus one or two minor stories as well. I’m not sure how I feel about this one (but I’ll have everything together by the end of the review). Most likely there’s a lesson to be learned I this book, I might get it if I read it again.

The main thing for me on this book is the art; it’s done in a style that doesn’t work for me. It looks kind of amateurish, I know the artist wanted that look but for me, it didn’t work. The writing kept the story going but with everything that was going on I kind of got a little lost on who’s where and what’s going on (one character disappeared after being introduced until the end). Once I found the main point to follow in the story, I was able to go along and enjoyed it.

This one is a tough one because it took me a bit of time to get past those points I brought up. The story didn’t fit with what I look for when I pick up a comic. It was just missing that something we all know but can rarely describe to someone else. As always, it could be the fact that this caught me on a bad day (or it could just be me). In my humble opinion, I’d say look through this at the store. If that something catches you, get it. If not, leave it there. I give this 2 caps out of 5.