Farscape #22 The War of the Uncharted Territories

Farscape #22 The War of the Uncharted Territories Part 10: Talkin’ Kkore Blues
Boom Studios
Written by Keith R.A. Decandidio
Art by Will Sliney

Is there anyone out there that doesn’t remember this show from Scy-Fy? Well, Boom has taken off the TV and put it in print and has done a good job with it as well. Here’s a quick update on what happened before this issue (I really need to start hounding my editor for books starting at #1), The Kkore are from another part of space, the Grey Space, who are out to conquer anywhere they go. They have been to the Uncharted Territories before but are back. Now the crew of the living ship Moya has assembled the survivors of the areas that have already been destroyed and are trying to plan a counter attack. And you thought you had a rough job and lousy coworkers.

This is where I get torn over certain things. The first set of pages shows the story describe the prophecy of what’s going on, the text took a little getting used to but it does help the story. The writing was solid and what I would expect with what the story is about. Now, I’m a fan of the show that this is based off of. The show was shot in a dark manner and that added to the story. This is drawn in a lighter style, so to me, it didn’t fit but it was detailed and worked really well.

Reading this, I felt like I was watching the show again. The same draw of each character was there. How they had to work hard to first get along considering their histories and differences. Then growing to care about each other and doing what they needed to do get whatever the job, done. But those areas I pointed out, kind of stick with me as well. I’d say get the first one and work your way to this one, in my humble opinion. I give this 3.5 caps out of 5.