Dark Matter #2 of 4: Rebirth

Dark Matter #2 of 4: Rebirth
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
Art by Garry Brown

Imagine if you will (cue the Twilight Zone music), you wake up on board a spaceship with no idea who you are, how you got there or who the other people are around you (talk about needing that first cup of coffee). Then you find out that you’re under attack. After fending off the attack by getting the ship started, you and the rest of the ‘crew’ go to the planet where you were heading, only to realize that they’re in the fight for of their lives. What do you do? How would you react? Well, welcome to the situation in Dark Matter.

This is something that brings a fresh spin to an old story. The writing drew me in; the way it was done, I wanted to know more of what was happening before and what will happen to this crew. Each frame was drawn out where you knew things were not right in some way, but it had what I think, is the detail needed for a story like this. Even the paneling was done in a way that moved the story along. All in all, the story flowed and let you know just enough from the book before and didn’t let you know what would happen in the next.

I really liked this book. As I read, I started getting to know the characters and caring for them. Even though there is no past that we, as a reader, or they know as characters. At the end of this book the writer leaves you with an expected twist but because of how well it’s written, it does not come across as cliché. This is a story that you’ll want to follow and find out what happens to these people. In my humble opinion, get the first one, get this one and keep going. I give this 4.5 caps out of 5.