Expedition Titanic

Tematis is proud to announce the organization shipping on the Titanic who held during the summer of 2012. Unlike the previous expeditions, ball rod is non-exclusive and open to all. We take reservations as early from April 2011 on a “first registered – first served basis.

This unique expedition takes you to 3800m depth for a dive from August to October hours during which you can see the wreck of the Titanic. Aboard a submarine specifically designed for dives in deep water, you reach the bottom of the ocean and its landscape Lunar and will float the bow of ship, providing openings to superb views of the Grand Staircase. You will also see the debris field of Titanic before admiring one of huge propellers of the boat.

This expedition will be one of the last organized on the site, with the constant objective participate in scientific research.

40 participants will be chance to participate in this adventure extraordinary. Each participant will have the chance to dive on the wreck of the Titanic. Per group 2 persons, with the pilot of submarine, participants descend to depths hitherto reserved for a elite.

Stay: 13 days Departure: Newfoundland, Canada. Participants: 40. Cost per person: 45,000 euros. More information and illustrations: Contact Nicolas Charvet – Tematis, Tel 03 28 36 48 71 or ncharvet@tematis.eu