Florida Renaissance Festival

Browse through our enchanted crafts Village where over one hundred merchants and artisans demonstrate and sell their wares. Behold glass blowing, hammered pewter, wooden toys, unique pottery, clothing and a wealth of other riches. Applaud Hundreds of Performers, not only on our twelve stages but literally all around you. Sword fighters, minstrels, magicians, mud-beggars, wenches and more.

For all the world’s a stage.Cheer Battling Knights, as they mount their steeds, lower their visors, aim their lances and charge at full tilt, thrice daily.Play Games of Chance and games of skill which challenge both young and old alike…archery, the test of strength, Jacob’s Ladder and more!Feast on Hearty Food fit for a King! Experience our succulent turkey legs, Scotch eggs, love knots (pretzels) and the Queen’s buns hot out of our bakery ovens. Visit the Pub and toast to the Royal Court with a tankard of ale or cider. Hip! Hip! Huzzah! For more information, please 954-776-1642, http://www.ren-fest.com or email us at event@theeventmagazine.com