Florida Supercon

South Florida’s largest comic book, anime, animation, cosplay, manga, sci-fi and fantasy Convention! Meet Aqua Teen Hunger Force’s Dana Snyder (Master Shake), Harry Potter stars James and Oliver Phelps (Weasley twins), Stanislav Ianevski (Viktor Krum) and Devon Murray (Seamus Finnegan), as well as comic book legends Carmine Infantino (Former President of DC) and Dick Girodano (Former Editor-in-Chief of DC, works include Batman), artists, writers, animators, industry guests and others.

Events include Q&A’s with celebrities, costume & cosplay contests, concerts & live musical performances, film festival, anime video viewing room, panels, and more! MAY 23-25, Hyatt Regency Bonaventure Resort – 250 Raquet Club Rd., Weston, FL. Official Site: www.floridasupercon.com or for more information, contact us at event@theeventmagazine.com