KERASCOET SET – Including Beauty and Miss Don’t Touch Me

Specially priced set reuniting two perennially popular books with art by the amazing duo under the Kerascoet name.

In Beauty, When Coddie unintentionally delivers a fairy from a spell that held her prisoner, she does not realize how poisoned the wish is she gets in return. From repulsive and stinking of fish she becomes perceived as magnetically beautiful, which does not help her in her village. A young local lord saves her but soon it becomes apparent her destiny may be far greater.

In Miss Don’t Touch Me, The ‘Butcher of the Dances’ is on the prowl for young loose women. Blanche works as a maid along with the only family she knows, her sister, fun-loving Agatha. Suddenly, Blanche loses her to what she saw was murder but others only write off as suicide. She decides to take matters into her own hands.

2 book banded set, 344pp. full color hardcovers, specially priced at $55, ISBN 9781681121147. For more information, go to