A Taste of Jazz at Bailey Contemporary Arts

Join us for a new kind of combo! A Taste of Jazz at Bailey Contemporary Arts in Pompano Beach will feature entertaining and educational encounters with the musical genre, accompanied by wine tastings. The introduction to jazz series will showcase the musicians of the Gold Coast Jazz Society Band, under the direction of Martin Hand. The sessions will take place from 7-9 pm on April 4 and May 2, 2019. Tickets $10-$20 per event. For more information www.baileyarts.org.

April 4
Where in the World is Jazz? – Where did jazz originate and how did it get to what it is today? Join Martin Hand and the trio as they explore the origins of the music of jazz, how it moved throughout America and became the music it is today.

Get your tickets for this and Jazz Forward on May 2. www.baileyarts.org