Florida Supercon Invades South Florida

Florida Supercon is coming to South Florida. Florida Supercon is a multi-format convention for comic book, anime & sci-fi/fantasy fans taking place November 3, 4 & 5 in Hollywood, FL. The show will include celebrity guests, writers, artists and filmmakers.

The three day show, starting Friday night and ending Sunday, will include celebrity guests, vendors (selling Anime, Comic Books, Toys, DVD’s and more), Q&A’s, film festival, parties, costume contest, giveaways, anime programming, celebrity banquet, workshops, panels and more.

The Florida Supercon has numerous guests including Margot Kidder, Noel Niel, Jack O’Halloran, Gerard Christopher, Cindy Morgan, The Iron Sheil, Dick Giordano, Bob Layton, Bob Mcleod, The Iron Sheik, Allen Bellman, Alex Saviuk, Greg Horn, Samson Burke and many, many more.

The Florida Supercon Independent Film Festival, showcasing independent genre films (short and full length), as well as the latest and best fan films will be hosted by Terry Cronin (Students of the Unusual). Filmmakers are encouraged to submit their work.

The convention will be held at The Hollywood Beach Resort (Ramada), located at 101 North Ocean Drive (Hollywood Blvd & Ocean Drive), Hollywood, FL

Please visit http://www.floridasupercon.com for more information or you can contact us at event@theeventmagazine.com…[more]