Moonstone Books For August 2012

Honey West #7
Story: Trina Robbins
Art: Silvestre Szilagyi
Colors: James Brown
Covers: Marat Mychaels
32pgs, color, $3.99
(Marat cover = 75%, color photo = 15%, b/w Photo cover = 10%, )
Part 2 of 2: MURDER, FORSOOTH -Honey goes undercover in a corset and pushup bra at a Medieval Faire, to find out who’s threatening to kill the May Queen. And when those beauty queens go at it tooth and nail, battling for a prize that could lead to stardom, and when that contest might very well be fixed, woe betide the girl who wins, because her jealous rivals might make sure that it’s adios!
Zombies vs Cheerleaders Presents:
The Misadventures of Becky and Bob #1
(W) Steven L Frank (A) David Namisato, Danielle Gransaull
32pgs, color, $3.99

Straight from the pages of Zombies vs Cheerleaders! Becky is the plucky and caring cheerleader. Bob is the zombie who doesn’t want to eat brains, he just wants to fit in and have friends. What sort of craziness do they get into? Check it out in this spectacular first issue! One’s hot and the other’s a zombie!

FULL MOON: Phases of the Moon
Story: Paul D. Storrie, CJ Henderson, Earl Mac Rauch
Art: Nathan Stockman, Glen Fernandez
Cover: Andy Black
78pgs, PC, $29.99

The only occasion this crazy time-travelling serial killer saga will appear all together in color!
What started with The Spider, Domino Lady, Honey West, Kolchak and others…ends here!
*Plus the unseen final chapter starring SHEENA!
*Plus a recently uncovered BUCKAROO BANZAI part of this tale!
*Plus a never before seen epilogue starring KOLCHAK, as years later he uncovers the even more startling truth behind the lies!