Palm Beach Card Show

It starts on Friday at 5 and runs till 10 or a little later. Customers who want to come early may do so as the majority of our dealers are there by 4. Also dinner will be served on Friday night for dealers and customers alike at 7 PM. We have a few of our FRIDAY NIGHT only special tables available. The cost is $25 a table and is for NEW dealers only (For people who are not sure what new means its dealers who have NEVER done he show before). This is perfect for someone who is looking to free up some space or make a few extra dollars for the holidays.

Then we do it again on Saturday from 10-5. Admission is free as always and parking is abdundant. We have new dealers coming and I have received alot of calls from new customers inquiring about the show. There will be a Huge selection of both modern and vintage cards, Mcfarlane figures, unopened wax products, supplies and signed and unsigned memorabilia. For more information, go to