Zoom Suit #1 and #2 Sold Out

The animated short film that led many new fans into comic shops is sold out of issue #1 before the month was up, but with a very small print run, issue two will dry up much more quickly.

Due to Distributor order cutoff dates, comic shop retailers had to
order issues #1, 2 and 3 before experiencing the strong retail sales on Zoom Suit #1. Orders on Zoom Suit issue #2 through Diamond Comics were just over 6,000 copies. However, within days of the release of issue 1, retailers ordered all of Diamonds remaining copies via advance reorders. Once Diamond was sold out, retailers turned to John Taddeo and Superverse for additional copies to meet consumer demand.

ZOOM SUIT #2 (Shipped May 24th) features a story by John Taddeo, with covers by Bart Sears and Keron Grant. The Interior is by Keron Grant and Billy Dallas Patton. Retailers also received a limited edition Armored Legends Edition by Bob Layton.

ZOOM SUIT #3 is complete. Superverse guarantees a delivery date of June 28th 2007. Preorders are recommended.

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