Amigo Comics March 2018 Solicitations

Here are our solicits for March! In the terrific miniseries Call of the Suicide Forest, written by Desiree Bressend with art by Ruben Gil, and standard covers by Toni Fejzula, we are so lucky to have another variant cover by maestro Pasqual Ferry! But you should check the story. It will give you the chills!

Do not miss the third issue of Tales of Rogues! where we introduce new creators and new stories of Bram and Weasel. With art by Manuel Diaz and Alexandra Thöne, and the funny script by JOS, be prepared to see Weasel in one of the most difficult corners of her career!

Amigo Comics! Look for us in Diamond Previews!

Amigo Comics! We’ve even got corner boxes on the cover!

And remember: PRE-ORDER!! Preferably via your friendly neighborhood comic book dealer!

PS Previews off all below titles can be found on our website.

Call of the Suicide Forest #3 (of 5)
Story: Desiree Bressend
Art: Ruben Gil
Cover: Toni Fejzula

Retailer incentive cover, served 1:10, by maestro Pasqual Ferry!

Can the tradition survive the dead? Can the soul-less survive tradition? In the Aokigahara forest, the cradle of horrific ghost stories, notorious because of the many people going there to end their own lives… the young student Portia can’t run away from the Yokai, while ranger Ryoko tries to find a Buddhist path for both. Even if this means to betray everything in what she believed. Join both on the borders of the Japanese undead veil!

This miniseries is the sequel of the acclaimed graphic novel The Suicide Forest, written by El Torres with art by Gabriel Walta, masterfully written by Desiree Bressend with the artwork by Ruben Gil, but it can be read independently. And this time, a Retailer incentive cover, served 1:10, by maestro Pasqual Ferry!

UPC Code: 732030830844—00311
JAN181190 – STL074136

Alternate cover:JAN181189 – STL074133
32 pages FC

Toni Fejzula (Dark Horse’s Dead Inside, Veil…) has created the covers of the miniseries, a set of five connected covers! Check them each month!

Tales of Rogues! #3 (of 6): Games Edge!

Writer: JOS
Art: Manuel Díaz
Color: Alexandra Thöne
Cover: Stefano Martino

Want to read more stories about Bram and Weasel? Tales of Rogues! are auto-conclusive comics by new, emerging hot artists!

Bram is missing! Weasel is on her way to the rescue! But something stands in her way. She must demonstrate her skills to the most demanding mermaid audience… or die! And we’re not talking exactly about rogue skills…

UPC Code: 713482801859—00311
JAN181191 – STL074137
32 pages FC

For more information, go to