Book Reviews Of The Month – Abyss #1 of 4, Family Issues

Abyss #1 of 4, Family Issues

Red 5 Comics

Writer: Kevin Rubio

Art: Alfonso Ruiz

If you can find me one family that doesn’t have some type of issues, I’d say you were lying. You’d figure the basic stuff, sibling rivalry, paternal and maternal issues from the past, living up to expectations, the basic stuff. Thankfully most of us don’t have to deal with having their father be the world’s biggest super villain (if you do, I want to meet you and hear the stories). That’s the premise for Abyss: Family Issues. In the story, after his father supposedly dies, Eric Hoffman finds out he was Abyss, Super villain #1. On the plus side, Eric does get a bank that’s failing, a boat load of money and all of his father’s tech including his robot R.E.D.S. Now, he’s trying to make up for his father’s actions and be a superhero, but he’s not that good, yet.

This was a really fun read. The story brings you in and you’re in for a fun ride. Watching poor Eric find his way when not all of the superheroes want him around is something that you’d expect but the reason’s are not. Think; name one secret identity that has a “normal” home life or past. The writing was witty, at times realistic and appropriate. The art was good, the write amount of detail, bright and dark at the right times.

Overall, this one will be another good set to read when the rest come out. There’s another set before this one that gives the full back-story; something I’m going to get, when I have the chance to read. In my humble opinion, go out; get this, then the next three and the ones before this. Read them all and if this goes into a regular monthly issue, get those too.