Book Reviews Of The Month – Mass Effect: Redemption

Mass Effect: Redemption
Dark Horse Books
Written by Mac Walters
Art by Omar Francia

You know, the more I keep doing reviews, the more I realize that I might want to invest in a game system. I just finished reading Mass Effect: Redemption, which has its roots in the videogame Mass Effect. The story takes place after a ship is destroyed in battle and one of the crew, a number of years later, goes to an outpost where she hears that a group has the remains of the captain. From there, she meets up with an information broker who had agreed to help her. Well, things just go from there and don’t seem to get better for a while.

Looking it over, to me, the art seemed at times a little cartoonish. Now, because I know where the story came from, I thought it worked. Also, the panels were easy to follow, another plus. The story was good as well, they established what the characters goal was and the supporting characters all made sense. Also, the dialog worked. Though personally, I would like to have seen a little more accents put into them, but that’s just me. I will say that the personalities did come off the page and you do get to know the important characters and why they do what they do.

I really did enjoy the book and would read more if they’re out there. Who knows, I may actually get a gaming system to see what the game is like (my son keeps hounding me for one so, who knows). Other than the personal feeling of more accents, I really don’t have anything negative to say about this book. In my humble opinion, if you enjoyed the game, if you enjoy video gaming, if you like a good book, I’d say buy this book and keep following if they make it into a series. I give it a 4 caps out of 5.