Book Reviews Of The Month – The Guild Graphic Novel

The Guild
Dark Horse Books
Written by Felicia Day
Art by Jim Rugg

How many of you out there are online gamers and/or follow online shows? I’ll be honest, I don’t do either but when I read The Guild, I got an idea of what it could be like. Now, I’m guessing there’re a few of you that follow this show already. I’m happy to say that this book is not from the show or one of the next chapters of the characters. This book is actually a prequel, so you can see how the Knights of Good come into existence. Not to mention how Cyd gets into the game and meets the rest of the team.

Reading this I got the basis for the story and I enjoyed it a lot. Felicia Day wrote this book and was able to fill it with a lot of in-joke humor for those who know comics and gaming. The characters are unique (though I’m guessing if you game, you know them) and have their own voices. I could see how Cyd would come to the place that she is at in her life and felt sorry for her and I could see her growth, which is another plus. The art fits with what’s being told, between what would be live action and what would be in the game. They both have their individual feel.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I know they have their own line but for me, reading the back-story and knowing how things get going, this helps me better understand when I can get the back issues and the different seasons of the show. It was a real fun read. In my humble opinion, if you’re a fan of the show or comic, or if you’re not, get this book. You’ll thank me later. I give it 5 caps out of 5.