
You have never seen anything like ODDVILLE! Think Blue Man Group meets The Forty-Year-Old Virgin and you’d be close. But not close enough. Hysterically indescribable, ODDVILLE is a unique piece of brilliant modern theater jammed with ingenious props, amplified physical comedy, complex multi-media imagery and a cool nostalgic score. It’s a love story with limited words but plenty of heart that connects your imagination to your funny bone with fits of laughter.

As the curtain rises on ODDVILLE our lonely hero, Dave, is caught between existing onstage or inside a giant video screen. With one foot rooted in reality and the other in an alternate digital universe he battles the oddest of obstacles on his quest for true love. Can he find happiness in a cardboard box? Can the audience help him find his underwear? Will an evil cat sell him a new pair of hands? Why does his true love have a flat screen for a head? How many lemons will fit in his pants? And why can he kiss but not talk?

A love story wrapped in clever wit and irresistible charm, ODDVILLE is an unforgettable evening of modern theater that will leave you laughing, thinking and wondering, “How on earth did he pull that off?” Audiences agree, ODDVILLE is truly a comedy that has no borders. Even those too cool for theater find ODDVILLE cool enough, indeed.