The Terminator 2029-1984

Dark Horse Books
Written by Zach Whedon
Art by Andy MacDonald

There’s something to be said about taking a good idea and expanding on it. About half of the time, it works and you get something that adds to the storyline or expands on the existing world that has been created. Reading this book, I can say that this book did just that. The story starts in the year 2029, about a few weeks before the first movie takes place. It gives the story of Kyle Reese and why he was picked to go back in time. But it also introduces us to a character named Ben, and I have to stop there because if I go further, I’ll give a lot away (and I know you don’t want that).

Reading through this book, it gave me more insight to what brought the movies, books and stories on. I can see how the people got involved when they did and what brought them to the point they were at when the first movie came on or anything else that I’ve seen or read. Needless to say, I thought the writing was really well done. It was able to flow from the future and then back to the past. When you see the art, it looks bright and colorful. In some areas, I didn’t think that fit with the story but beyond that, it did add to the story in some areas and the paneling worked for what they were trying to portray.

Overall, I liked what the book was adding to the myth of the Terminator future (even though we passed the date that Skynet was supposed to go live, I think we’re safe now. Or are we?). This is one that you want to pick up and read. I was able to get over the one fact that I pointed out pretty easy. Get this, enjoy it and if you’re a fan of the other writings, movies, books or whatever, you’ll like this. In my humble opinion, this is one to read. I give it 4 caps out of 5.