Turtle Tuesdays with Friends of Gumbo Limbo

The City of Boca Raton has cancelled or postponed all city-sponsored programs and events until further notice. Unfortunately, this includes our popular summer evening turtle programs. At this time, we are unable to take reservations or sell tickets for any program. We know that the opportunity to see a nesting or hatchling sea turtle up close is a unique and special opportunity, and we will open reservations as soon as we are able.

We hope that these weekly Turtle Tuesday updates will continue to bring a smile to your face until we are all able to be together again. As of today, we are happy to announce that, on Boca Raton beaches, we currently have five Leatherback nests and five Loggerhead nests. You can continuously check for updates on the Nesting page of our website.

Be sure to continue to monitor our website or social media for marine conservation news and activities that we are happy to share with all of you. And please consider supporting our sea turtle rehabilitation and marine conservation efforts during these difficult closures.

For more information, go to gumbolimbo.org